a: Baby Boomer ~
b: hoard of all devouring locusts


"In the seventies and eighties, I was working for them and enduring their abuse and lies.
Their affluence became annoying because I was poor and working hard, while going to school. I didn't get the celebrated Spring Breaks, and I wasn't welcome at parties.
The media seemed to want to add insult to injury because it kept picking on generation X as useless and lazy because it wasn't doing as well as they did, but generation X was experiencing sharply raising costs of education, rent, energy and everything else, and a lack of any jobs but fast food, minimum wage jobs, and the minimum wage was stagnant for an entire decade while the boomers were rolling in affluence. They took all the good jobs and planned to hold them for life. When I asked about a job as a forest ranger, I was told the jobs were all taken and there was a waiting list. Boomers who took the available jobs planned to hold them for life, and they have only begun to retire now. Now, I see advertisements for forest service jobs at last, but I doubt they would take me at my age. Some things are simply demographic like that, and generation X was not to blame for its struggles. But the older generation assholes liked to pick on them because they weren't getting their fries fast enough to please them.
The boomers are still like a hoard of all devouring locusts, who need bank bail outs so their houses can be their retirement accounts, while young people with children could never hope to afford them, because the prices never fell back to market value."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jun 19 2024 3:50 PM

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